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What types of adoption are available in Alabama?

While making the decision to adopt can seem like a simple one, getting through the process can certainly seem anything but simple. Alabama residents have a number of reasons to consider adoption. Some may wish to start or add to their family, some stepparents may wish to gain legal rights to their stepchildren, kinship adoptions may become a necessity, and, in rare cases, adults may pursue adoption for inheritance purposes. In any case, help in completing the process as quickly and smoothly as possible is available.

After the decision has been made to proceed with an adoption, the next decision will involve how to go about the process. There are several different ways to adopt a child. For those who are wanting to start or add to their growing family, common ways to adopt include:

  • Adoption through a licensed agency
  • Adopting independently
  • Adopting through identification
  • Adopting internationally

Each of these forms of adoption can have both pros and cons. Researching each will give prospective parents a better idea of what type of adoption will work best for their specific circumstances. Other common forms of adoption include stepparent adoption and kinship adoption. While these don’t require finding birth mothers or working with agencies, these adoptions can still be somewhat complicated and require attention to detail.

Adoption is certainly a noble cause. Alabama residents who are ready to take this step, regardless of what their personal reasons may be, can seek assistance to ensure that all the legalities associated with the adoption are fully considered. Even though the adoption process may seem long and drawn out, the end result of a legally protected adoption is truly worth the wait.

Source: FindLaw, “The Different Types of Adoption”, Dec. 29, 2014
