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Birmingham & Huntsville Uncontested Divorce Lawyer

Uncontested Divorce Attorney – Jefferson County, Madison County & Shelby County

Even uncontested divorce can be a trying experience for you and your family, particularly if children are involved. In both the division of assets and debts and making provision for your children It is important to get it right the first time. Missing language, unconsidered possibilities or cut and paste solutions can often leave you with a document that is unenforceable or so week that additional expensive trips to court become necessary. No document can save you from ever having to go back to court but, the many online forms and quicky divorce mill documents drafted by secretaries can make the eventuality of a court appearance much more likely.

Think of the settlement agreement in your uncontested divorce as a living document. The document must address issues that exist right now, and anticipate issues that may arise in the future. If there is a dispute in the future, the settlement agreement is the document you must turn to. There will be future disputes. There always are. Again, the document needs to leave some wiggle room as that is needed but when assests are sufficiently identified or go unadressed entirely or event that should be foreseen go unaddressed you are inviting problems.

A Simple Process?

Anyone who tells you that uncontested divorce in Alabama is a simple process that anyone can handle themselves is wrong. We live in an increasingly do it yourself or DIY world. While this may be fine for a home gardening project this approach does not usually work well for divorce. There is a reason why it takes 8 years of post secondary education to get a law degree.

Avoid Down and Dirty Divorce Downloads

Too often, cheap online or standard form divorce agreements are slapped together by unskilled practitioners. We often get modification cases where the settlement agreement is missing or useless. The two parties must then re-litigate things that were hashed out long ago. This is irritating to both sides, who thought they were “done.” You cannot anticipate every thing that will arise post divorce but an experienced attorney can anticipate many of the common issues and the specific incidents likely to occur based on the facts of your case. Those issues should be addressed on the front end to limit the issues and times you have to return to court as any return to court is as expensive or more expensive than the initial divorce.

Other times, couples draft a homemade agreement and spend years getting the courts to approve it. Many uncontested divorces are dismissed daily by Alabama courts — even those filed by lawyers. The defects in the agreements are so bad sometimes that the papers cannot and will not be approved.

You get what they pay for: a cheap divorce today can be costly tomorrow.

That is why you need an attorney who has done this a thousand times, and knows the kinds of problems that may crop up later.

Contact An Uncontested Divorce Lawyer In Alabama

If you are contemplating an uncontested divorce, and you want it done right, contact us for a free consultation. On most occasions, the consultation occurs immediately, while you are on the phone.

Shane Oncale is an experienced uncontested divorce attorney – call The Oncale Firm at (205) 880-0948 to arrange a free consultation.
