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How does abuse affect a divorce proceeding?

Unfortunately, domestic abuse — or allegations of domestic abuse — is a part of many divorces in the state of Alabama, and it can have a major effect on the outcome of cases.

First of all, when abuse is part of a divorce case, it can change the outcome of the case by granting grounds for divorce in favor of the victim instead of being a “no fault” divorce in which neither party is blamed.

This is a good thing if you are a victim of abuse because it gives you added protections and remedies. For example, the judge in your case will have the ability to order your abuser to pay you additional compensation.

But if you are accused of committing abuse, you will need to work with an experienced family law attorney to make sure that your rights are protected.

Additionally, abuse can affect the outcome of a child custody matter. Abuse accusations can be considered grounds for taking away parental or paternity rights, and can prevent the abusive parent from receiving joint custody.

These are just a couple of the ways that abuse allegations can affect your divorce proceeding. As soon as abuse allegations are made in a divorce case, the case becomes much more complicated.

Because the stakes are so high in divorce cases involving abuse allegations, it’s important for both victims of abuse and alleged abusers to work with an experienced attorney.

You only have one opportunity to tell your side of the story. Make sure to do it with a skilled attorney standing next to you.

To find out more about how was assist Birmingham, Montgomery, and Huntsville clients in cases involving domestic abuse allegations, visit our page on Domestic Violence and Divorce.
