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Could Twitter cause divorce for Alabama spouses?

Divorce can be a challenging and emotional event for spouses at any age. There are various encounters that could actually lead Alabama couples to divorce. Finances and infidelity are some of the most common reasons spouses divorce. A new study suggests that Twitter may have a negative impact on relationships and could lead to trips to divorce court.

A new study suggests that there may be a link between Twitter and relationship conflicts. These relationship conflicts could escalate to infidelity and, ultimately, divorce. Over 500 Twitter users participated in a survey that consisted of 18 questions. The conclusion of the study revealed that daily use of Twitter could cause complications in relationships regardless of how long the couples have been together.

There are ways couples can minimize their chances of having friction that is related to social media. It is recommended that couples use just one social media account between the two of them. Furthermore, couples could decrease the amount of time spent on social media.

Research on social media has suggested that there is a direct correlation between frequent use of social media and relationship conflicts. Couples can compromise with each other in regard to Twitter use to increase the chances of having a positive environment in their relationships. Furthermore, Alabama couples may wish to attend counseling sessions to understand each other’s feelings about the matter. When all else fails and couples are unable to agree, divorce may be the ultimate solution. Spouses could benefit from having strong knowledge of family court procedures.

Source:, “Active Twitter Use Could Lead to Divorce and Infidelity, Study Says”, Kurt Wagner, April 7, 2014
