Category: Property Division
What is the legal difference between marriage and cohabitation?
Today, more and more Americans are choosing to live together and even start families together without getting married. However, it’s important to understand that cohabitating and starting a life together without entering marriage denies many of the legal benefits of marriage. Before we discuss some of the legal benefits of marriage that do not apply
What happens to pets during a divorce?
If you are like many Alabama residents, you may have a pet that you care deeply about. If divorce is on your radar, you are probably wondering how custody of your pet may be determined. This issue has been getting a lot more attention in recent years as pets have truly become family members. However,
Hamm divorce shows how difficult defining marital property can be
During a divorce in Alabama, all marital property is divided “fairly and equitably” between the two spouses. Marital property refers to property that was brought in by either spouse during the marriage. The property can include savings accounts, retirement accounts or real property like a house. What matters is that the funds or property was
What to do before filing for divorce
If you are thinking about filing for divorce or you believe that a divorce may be in your future, you are probably feeling anxious and maybe a little scared about what to expect. The good news is that you can start taking steps now to prepare yourself for the divorce and increase the chances of
Property division involving liabilities in divorce
Property division tends to be a major subject in divorce. Often, Alabama spouses may find themselves wondering who gets to keep certain assets and what their liabilities are as they begin the divorce process. There are ways spouses can handle liabilities during property division to avoid future pitfalls. One situation is if the spouses are
Asset protection tips when getting divorced in Alabama
Baby boomers in Alabama and other states in America are getting divorced at increasing rates. Getting a divorce can be financially detrimental no matter how old a person is, but is especially a concern for those who are near retirement and are concerned about asset protection. A few tips may help a person who is
Is the divorce rate about to shoot up in Alabama?
Birmingham area residents may have heard that the divorce rate decreased during the recession. Many people attributed this to marriages growing stronger during tough times. A new study challenges that thinking. A university sociologist has found that between the years of 2009 and 2011, about 150,000 couples stayed married simply because they could not afford
Dividing retirement assets in an Alabama divorce
The most difficult part of many divorces in Alabama is the property division process. Splitting one household into two is no easy task. In addition to dealing with investments, the marital home, and various household items, it is necessary to divide retirement assets during divorce. This can be quite complicated because many married couples save
Who keeps the family pet in a divorce?
There are few things more beloved for Alabama residents than the family pet. Whether it is a dog, cat or something more exotic, pets can quickly become a member of the family. Indeed, many individuals consider their pet to be almost like another child. Despite these feelings equating a pet to a child, the law
Alabama no longer the quickie divorce State it once was
Any Alabama resident who is married understands that a marriage can be tough work. Sometimes, no matter how hard a spouse works to keep the marriage together, it simply is not in the best interests of the spouses to stay together. Once a person comes to this realization, they often want the process to be