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$4.5 billion divorce settlement reduced

Alabama residents may be surprised at the $4.5 billion price tag one billionaire was ordered to pay his ex-wife as her share of their marital assets in 2014, but on June 11, a judge reduced that amount to $609 million. Prior to the higher court’s decision, it was believed by her lawyer to have been

Can I get spousal support from my soon-to-be ex?

Spousal support, alimony and alimony all refer to the same thing: financial support paid by a higher-earning spouse to a lesser-earning spouse after the marriage has ended. In Alabama, spousal maintenance is not an automatic right. That means the spouse who wants support after the marriage will have to prove to the court that support

Can I appeal my divorce?

If you were unsatisfied with the ruling in your divorce case, you may be wondering if you can appeal the judge’s decision. Ultimately, the straightforward answer to that question is that it will take more than you being unhappy with the outcome of your divorce in order to successfully appeal what was decided. When you

Why a ‘peaceful divorce’ doesn’t have to be an oxymoron

Let go and move on: It is very difficult to have a peaceful divorce if you are still living in the past, the writer said, and blaming yourself and your ex for what went wrong. The best way to move forward is by forgiving yourself, and your ex, and putting your energy toward a brighter

Am I entitled to spousal support in Alabama?

If you are thinking about ending your marriage, you are probably wondering how you will be able to support yourself after the divorce and whether you will be entitled to spousal support. Hopefully, this post helps answer those questions for you. In Alabama, spousal support can be agreed upon by the divorcing parties, or it

Can I appeal my divorce decree?

This is a question that we are asked frequently by clients. Unfortunately, when a judge is the one who makes the decisions in a divorce case, one party is often left unhappy with the results. The good news is that it is possible to appeal your divorce decree, but the bad news is that it

A DYI divorce won’t provide complex property protection

While the do-it-yourself craze can be good for a number of projects, applying that line of thinking to divorce may not be the wisest decision for Alabama couples. While a DYI divorce may seem simple, straightforward and cost-effective, this type of divorce may not offer the complex property protection most divorce cases could benefit from.

What are the benefits of mediation?

In our last post, we discussed the unprecedented $1 billion award in the divorce case of oil magnate Harold Hamm and his wife of 26 years, Sue Ann. It is quite rare for a divorce case of this magnitude play out in the public court forum. Most often, a prenuptial agreement handles the details of

Judge issues $1B decision in Hamm case

Back in September, we discussed oil magnate Harold Hamm’s divorce, and how the case centered on the issue of active vs. passive appreciation. Hamm married his wife, Sue Ann, 26 years ago without entering a prenuptial agreement. Because Hamm had already started the oil company Continental Resources at the time of the marriage, one might assume

Don’t live to regret your bad divorce behavior

Social media rants. Even though it may seem like a good idea at the time to rant about your ex on Facebook or Twitter, doing so can make you look bad in front of a judge. Remember, anything you post online is documented for good. If you are going through divorce and have thought about
