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Deciding who gets to keep the house is only the first step

For many Alabama residents, the most valuable asset they will own in their lifetime is their family home. Understandably, then, when a couple gets divorced, the house is often one of, if not the top, pieces of marital property that must be divided between the spouses. Yet, it is not as simple as just deciding

Some Alabama parents no longer responsible for kids’ college

Alabama parents understand that the cost of raising a child can be very high. This is true not only for everyday expenses, but for additional expenses such as the costs of sending a child to college. While these expenses are hard enough to meet under regular circumstances, the situation can become even more complicated when

Man sues employer for withholding child support payments

When Alabama residents are given orders to follow, many do their best to comply. This is particularly important when the order is coming down from a court which has the power to impose serious penalties on a person for failing to comply with the court order. One area where individuals find themselves in the situation

Former Alabama football player involved in 2 child custody suits

Child custody determinations are based on a variety of factors with the goal of achieving the best interests of the child always in mind. Former star Alabama football player and recently retired NFL player, Rolando McClain, is currently involved in two child custody lawsuits. McClain recently filed for divorce from his wife of five months

Increased time overseas associated with divorce

Many Alabama residents do their best to pay tribute to the men and women who are serving this country. Residents understand the sacrifices and challenges that those who serve must pay, and residents try to help out where they can. Unfortunately, these sacrifices often lead to other consequences, including increased rates of divorce for those

Alabama residents: be sure to include all assets in a divorce

When Alabama residents usually think about what assets they own, they often will list-off items like home, car and bank accounts. When it comes to dividing assets in a divorce, individuals naturally will think of these items first as well, and how these items will be divided among the spouses. While assets, like the above,

New school year brings mixed feelings and child custody issues

With school going back in session for Alabama children, the fun of summer is coming to an end, and the attention will soon return back to homework and school activities. Understandably, this can make for a difficult and stressful time of the year then for area youths, as they attempt to get back into the

Do you know how much your marital property is worth?

Many Alabama residents believe they know their partners better than anyone else when they choose to get married. That can change when the couple gets divorced, however, as a tension-filled dispute can bring out a new side of people never seen before. While a soon-to-be-ex-spouse’s behavior can certainly cause a range of emotions and feelings,

Feuding law professors back in court for divorce dispute

Many Alabama residents do not have a strong desire to become involved in court proceedings. Of course, individuals are often not involved in a case willingly, but rather only when they need to be, as is the case in a divorce. In any event, individuals who are part of a court case usually hope that

Divorce a reality no matter what a person’s age

Everybody makes mistakes. Most of the time these mistakes are minor and the person can learn from it and move on. Occasionally, however, individuals make mistakes that drastically impact their lives, including marrying the wrong person. In marriage, everyone thinks that they have found the right person when they initially make the decision to walk
