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Beyonce and Jay Z could be headed for divorce

It has been reported that Beyonce and Jay Z’s marriage has been over for a while, but they have maintained an image for years. The spouses reportedly agreed to engage in an open relationship, and their marriage may have included affairs with other individuals and Jay Z’s wandering eye. Alabama fans may be interested in hearing that the couple might be headed for divorce.

The image that Beyonce and Jay Z have been maintaining for years may be crumbling, and the marriage may not be able to withstand it any longer. There have been reports circulating that the couple has been trying to work on the marriage. They are expected to possibly make an official announcement regarding their marriage after completing their tour together. According to reports, Beyonce has stated that she is done with the marriage and drained from acting as if their marriage is going strong.

In addition, Beyonce and Jay Z may already live separately and have retained legal support. This may not be something that just happened out of the blue, and clearly, both of them might have made this decision a while ago. Reportedly, Jay Z has stated that he is also done with the marriage and that, in fact, he is the one who initiated the divorce.

The marriage could be beyond disrepair at this point, and the couple may benefit from gaining thorough knowledge of family court procedures, especially since a child and a lot of money are at stake. Spouses may be able to avoid a battle in the courtroom by participating in collaborative divorce or third-party mediation to reach a settlement. When all else fails and litigation is the only option, the family court system in Alabama typically resolves these types of matters.

Source: Celeb Dirty Laundry, “Beyonce Divorce: Jay-Z’s Open Marriage, Cheating, Living Separately and Hiring Lawyers – Done Pretending!”, Bobby Fischer, Aug. 17, 2014
