The Strength You Need In Adversity Empowering People & Their Families

Helping you resolve life's challenges to get you to a better place.

What steps are involved in adopting a child?

If you are thinking about adopting a child in Alabama, it’s important to have a basic understanding of the steps involved. Adopting a child is one of the most important processes you will go through in life, and knowing what to expect can take away some of the anxiety that can arise. Before any steps

Study: Divorce may lead to psychosomatic symptoms in teens

We all know that divorce can be difficult on kids, but a recently-released study helps to explain more precisely how they can be affected. The study determined that psychosomatic symptoms — which are physical problems that result from emotional distress — might be more common in teenagers whose parents have separated or divorced. It was

Can I appeal my divorce?

If you were unsatisfied with the ruling in your divorce case, you may be wondering if you can appeal the judge’s decision. Ultimately, the straightforward answer to that question is that it will take more than you being unhappy with the outcome of your divorce in order to successfully appeal what was decided. When you

Why a ‘peaceful divorce’ doesn’t have to be an oxymoron

Let go and move on: It is very difficult to have a peaceful divorce if you are still living in the past, the writer said, and blaming yourself and your ex for what went wrong. The best way to move forward is by forgiving yourself, and your ex, and putting your energy toward a brighter
