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Asset protection tips when getting divorced in Alabama

Baby boomers in Alabama and other states in America are getting divorced at increasing rates. Getting a divorce can be financially detrimental no matter how old a person is, but is especially a concern for those who are near retirement and are concerned about asset protection. A few tips may help a person who is

Sherri Shepard divorce lesson for Alabama spouses

Sherri Shepard is known for being on “The View,” a popular daytime talk show. Shepard and her husband got married back in 2011, and now just like any unhappy Alabama spouse, both partners in this relationship are ready for divorce. The soon-to-be-ex husband is requesting the court to grant him full custody of their unborn

Alabama spouses can learn from Kanye’s prenuptial agreement

Marital bliss is not guaranteed to last forever and can end over almost any matter, leaving someone’s assets at stake. A prenuptial agreement can protect Alabama spouses’ assets and take the misery out of having bitter legal disputes in the future. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s wedding may be held up due to a prenup.

Divorce increased when Alabama spouses are ill

After couples walk down the aisle, they promise to stay together in sickness and in health. Throughout the years, however, that has not always been the case, and studies suggest that Alabama marriages are likely to end in divorce when the wife becomes ill. The study involved 2,717 couples conducted by a university. The new

Why a prenuptial agreement is beneficial for Alabama spouses

With the high divorce rate in the United States, it’s no wonder why the percentage of people who enter into a prenup has been on the rise. One of the major reasons for this trend is the amount of assets that may be at stake in case there is a divorce in the future. Most
